Board Members

The Westlake North Neighborhood Council (WNNC) is an advisory group of people who live, work, or own property within the boundaries of the Westlake North Neighborhood Council.

The WNNC meets the 2nd Thursday of every month at 6:00PM. Meeting agendas are available here or under the Meeting agenda tab.

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The MISSION of the WNNC is:

To provide an inclusive and open forum for public discussion of issues of interest to the WNNC, including City governance, the needs of the WNNC, the delivery of City services to the WNNC area, and other matters of a City wide nature;

To advise the City on issues of interest to the WNNC, including City governance, the needs of the WNNC, the delivery of City services to the WNNC area, and other matters of a City wide nature;

To initiate, execute and support projects for the physical, social and cultural improvement of the WNNC area; and To facilitate communication between the City and Community Stakeholders on issues of concern to the community and/or the Stakeholders.

The POLICY of WNNC is:

To respect the diversity, dignity, and expression of views of all individuals, groups, and organizations within the community and/or involved in the WNNC;

To remain non-partisan with respect to political party affiliation and includive in our operations including, but not limited to, the process of electing or selecting the Board, Officers, and committee members, as hereinafter set forth;

To utilize the Early Notification System (ENS) to inform the WNNC and Community Stakeholders of matters involing the City and our community in a way that is tailored to provide opportunities for involvement in the decision-making process;

To encourage all Community Stakeholders to partiticate in activities of the WNNC;

To prohibit discrimination against any individual or group in our operations on the basis of race, religion, color, creed, national origin, ancestry, sex, secual orientation, age, disability, martial status, income, homeowner/renter status, or political affiliation;

and to have fair, open, and transparent procedures for the conduct of all WNNC business.

© 2025

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